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The Dream

n, the Rolls Royce, station wagon, the motor boats, the aquaplanes, the swimming pool were not to display his wealth, but instead he just used them as a setting to build the material world necessary to fulfill his dream. He not only has built up a material world to attract Daisy he has come up with a plan to win her love. This plan is unfolded in Chapter IV, when the reader learns that Gatsby has arranged for Nick to invite Daisy for tea and makes sure Daisy doesn’t know he’ll be there, too. Nick agrees with the plan and thus asks Daisy over for tea. Once Daisy arrives Gatsby, either to nervous or anxious, leaves the house only to come around through the front door. When he finally comes in he is filled with nerves and can barely speak. However, Gatsby finally settles down and later on is described with such words as “glowed”, “new well-being,” and “radiated.” He has seemingly come alive and his plan is working to perfection. Soon the scene shifts to Gatsby’s house where it is now time to show off his money. Daisy admires everything Gatsby has built for her including the house, gardens, the rooms, the colors etc. The chapter ends with Gatsby’s dream, turning from fantasy to reality as he gets Daisy in a room with him alone, oh what the imagination can think of. Gatsby’s dream, which seemed inevitable, came to a crashing halt in chapter VII leaving him “standing there in the moonlight-watching over nothing.” Gatsby has won Daisy; he has called off his parties, fired his servants and now has all of his attention has been shifted toward Daisy. Daisy too seems to be in love with Gatsby, which is probably why she visits him every afternoon. However, the lifestyle her family and Tom have setup for her is too much for Gatsby to overcome. She, unlike Gatsby cannot live for love instead; she needs the protected world her money has given her. Gatsby soon...

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