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dorm room

goodbye to my parents at least twenty times and returned to my room. I thought that I would never feel at home again.After unpacking some of my stuff and organizing my room, I decided that I should make the best of it and meet my neighbors. When I met all of the girls on my hall, a weird feeling of comfort came over me. I wasn’t alone. I had met sixty or so girls who were in my exact same position. I slowly began to feel like I would be okay. I was surrounded by girls who were having the same feelings that I was. It was comforting to know that there would always be somebody around that would understand some of the feelings I was having because they were probably having them too. I had hundreds of potentially new friends.I had three days until classes started and three weeks until rush started. I was looking forward to rush because I would meet a lot of girls who were looking for the same thing that I was, a place where we felt accepted and at home. I knew that when I joined a sorority that I would make at least forty-five new friends. My only worry was what I would do until then. I decided that I would spend my time meeting new girls, ones that were rushing and ones that weren’t and go out with them. For three weeks, every night was an adventure. Up until about thirty minutes before we went out, no one really knew who was going with us and what exactly we would be doing. It seemed like every night I met about fifty new people. Not only was I meeting girls my age, I was meeting guys and girls who were older or girls who just didn’t live in the dorm. I liked this a lot because nearly everywhere I went I saw a familiar face. I met a variety of people from all over our country. I started to realize what college was all about. I am glad that I was exposed to so many different kinds of people. If I didn’t live in the dorm, I might not have had the chance to meet them.After three weeks of doing not...

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