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way of thinking. Michael changes from believing that what his family does is wrong, to believing that his family's crimes are a necessary evil. He begins by insisting to his girlfriend that his family's crimes belong to his family, not to him. He was not involved in the business and did not want anything to do with it. By the end of the movie, most of the Corleone family have been murdered. Michael organizes the execution of several people within the other crime families as the Corleon family's new Don, having reasoned that these murders are necessary. Feeling that he must follow in his fathers footsteps he transforms from an innocent bystander to the central manipulator. Michel, following in his fathers footsteps, who once claimed to be different from the rest of his family, has become more ruthless than Don Vito ever was.If THE GODFATHER were only about one Mafia type, it would never have gained as many accolades. The characteristic that sets this film apart from so many others great films is its ability to tell several stories simultaneously and at the end each ties into each other perfectly. Any of the individual story lines explored in THE GODFATHER are strong enough to form the foundation of a movie on their own. Rarely does a film tell as many diverse-yet-interconnected stories. This motion picture was not slapped together; it was carefully crafted. Every major character is molded into a distinct, complex Stereotype of Italian-American culture.THE GODFATHER, undoubtedly, was the best movie of its decade. This movie was based on terrific acting and a complicated story line. The film was produced using minimal special effect, which made it more important to have a captivating story line in order to hold the audiences attention. Michael's character change, from being separated from his family crimes to being directly involved is a major and dramatic turning point in the movie. The true beauty of this film are the several mi...

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