In the summer of 1969, on a rented 600-acre dairy farm, in Sullivan County, New York, 500,000 young people gathered for three dizzying days to listen to rock and blues music, to wear unique clothes, or no clothes at all, to talk, sing, dance, drink beer, smoke pot, and make love-but most of all to join hands with one another. The huge gathering was known as Woodstock and had cost more than 2.4 million dollars and was sponsored by four men: John Robert, Joel Rosenman, Artie Kornfield, and Michael Lang, all who were no older than 26 years old. Woodstock began on the evening of Friday, August 15 and ended early morning of Monday, August 17, 1969. The festival which adopted the slogan "Three Days of Peace and Music" had attracted all kinds of people from all over the country: Anti-War Protesters, Black Militants, Anti-Gays, Gay And Lesbians, Legalize Drug Advocates, Ban Drugs Advocates, Anti-Government Advocates, Pro-Government Advocates, Vietnam Vets, rednecks, and people that were just there to listen to the music. Woodstock has greatly affected teenage society through its display of sex, drugs, and rock and roll and has become one of our nations most remembered events. "I was there! My daughter, Siouxsie, was conceived there! But by whom, I will never know!" ( This statement indicates some of the attitudes and sexual conduct displayed at Woodstock. Woodstock was a place of happiness, as well as a place where people could express themselves in a way they normally couldn't. The atmosphere contained an open mind for the bare naked body. Clothes were optional and were worn if needed. It was very prehistoric. The people at Woodstock enjoyed dancing and showing love for one another while disregarding race, sex, or color. ...