With the help of Ultima, he begins to understand the cultures of both his mother andfather and the significance of his surroundings. . Ultimately, Tony realizes Ultima is thesymbol of knowlegde and he chooses to follow in her path. . Tenorio then tries other ways to bring harm to Ultima but failsmiserably. Then finally, he discovers the secret to her power: the owl. . Sadly, Ultima dies along with her owl.Good Versus Evil- In the story the good and evil theme iswell represented. Ultima, Ultima accomplishes everything she set out to and dies apeaceful death.(good) The Owl- The owl is the spirit of Ultima. It was given to her by her teacher: “elhomber volador” or “the flying man.” The owl protects Ultima and the Marez familythroughout the book. When the mob of Tenorio and his friends came to the home of theMarez to kill Ultima, the owl sounded an alarm and warned everyone of the oncomingdanger. With the death of the owl came Ultima’s death.The title of the novel: Bless Me, Ultima shows the power and knowledge of Ultima. Atthe end of the story, Antonio says, “Bless me, Ultima” (260). With these words you findthe meaning of the title. ...