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TV and Music

ay from the time when I was a child. This just allows children these days to have a greater form of entertainment. Web TV now allows anyone to access the Internet through his or her televisions. This will have a great affect on children now a day even greater than music or any other form of influences on children. Other forms have impacted them but not as great as the television influence on everyone. Soon enough TV will be totally interactive, and readily available to everyone.Music and television combined has shaped and formed who I am today. Almost everything in my life has been based on reaction to either music or television. Music and television are the most influential of all media sources in my opinion. Music can alter your state of mind or being, and lyrics to the song can easily influence the weak minded. Television is one of the most prolific forms of entertainment in our country. Almost everyone has seen television shows or listened to music by radio or through some other source. The both of them combined have given me inspiration and my certain mind set that I have now, and I believe that they will both continue to influence the youth around world, similar to the effects that they had on me....

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