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Leibniz and Spinoza as Applied to Baseball

tablished harmony On Leibnizs view, every Monad is like a clock, behaving spontaneously in the way that it does, independently of other Monads, but nevertheless tied into the others through the common reason: God and his vast conception of the perfect universe. It was to be before the baseball game took place that the pitcher would leave a slider over the plate, that the hitter would make contact right on the label, and that the ball would soar out of the park. Also, it is important to point out the number of Monads involved in the scenario. The bat, gloves, etc. are composed of an infinite number of Monads. We tend to refer to such things as a single Monad because they all act as one. However, the soul of the pitcher, batter, fans, and the rest of the players is only one monad which controls the composite of infinite body Monads.All Monads possess an active power that originates from what is actual striving to finish or perfect their potential. This activity is not only a property of the soul Monad but also a property of all Monads. This inner activity of Monads must mean not only being the source of action, but also being affected and resisting. Change in a Monad is the intelligible, constantly and continuously unfolding being of a thing, from itself, to itself. The change seen in the baseball game is the unfolding of the Monads of the players and the numerous Monads of the material used to play the game. Now for Spinozas metaphysical take on the baseball game scenario. Spinozas philosophy is based upon Pantheism. Besides God, says Spinoza, no other substance can be conceived. In other words, God is identical to the universe as a whole. Here is Spinozas argument for his Pantheism briefly:1.There cannot exist in the universe two or more substances having the same nature or attribute.2.God (substance containing infinite attributes) necessarily exists. 3.Therefore, besides God, no substance can be granted or conceived....

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