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Life and How to Live It

not fret his implications about the battle because those killed will still live on after mortal death and they are also obeying their duty. So they will not come within the realm of sin and shall live a blissful afterlife for following their duty in war.Following closely with the duties set forth by the “Bhagavad-Gita” poem is the philosophy of Kant. His view, called deontological, comes from the Greek word duty. In this view moral duty is the central key to living ones life, much like the Hindu poem. Likewise, what makes a motive good is not determined by the outcome of the motive, but instead whether the motive was of good will. The first thing that needs to be defined in order to begin to understand this complicated philosophy is good will. Kant describes it as, “…good not because of what it causes or accomplishes, not because of its usefulness in the attainment of some set purpose, but alone because of the willing, that is to say, of itself.” It is the power within us, and the central element of man. It is made up of our actions and motives, which Kant goes into more detail about. He describes humans as being made of three kinds of motives: self-interest, immediate inclinations (desires, feelings), and duty. Of these, only duty will fulfill the obligations of good will. He believes that the intentions of ones actions should not be from reason and calls it a mistake to do so. This is because reason comes from human feelings and these are not under our control. Instead humans should rely on instinct to guide their intentions because nature would trust both to instinct. Above all the safeguarding of happiness is ones most important duty because it is a unity of all other inclinations. Happiness, however, will not be able to be defined if reason is used. The more and more man might try to use reason, the further he will be from reaching happiness. Such men of high intellect who try and di...

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