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Same Sex Harassment

seek redress of such injuries” (Cloud). The second argument made by Sundowner’s attorneys (a variation of the first) was that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was created specifically for women who have been harassed by men and does not apply to Joseph Oncale. In response, the Supreme Court stated that perpetrators of sexual harassment should derive no legal immunity from the gender of their victims.Sundowner’s third argument against Oncale claimed that the Civil Rights Act was created to safeguard against gender discrimination, not to create a “general civility code among men.” In support of the argument, employees at Sundowner testified that Oncale wasn’t singled out for abuse, and that, “All males who go onto an offshore platform are subject to a kind of hazing.” Supreme Court Justice, Joseph Scalia, refused to accept that excuse for Oncale’s mistreatment. He replied, “Sexual harassment of any kind, is illegal” (Oncale Amicus Brief).In my opinion, Sundowner’s treatment of Oncale was not simply a crime; it was a gross breach of morality. Whatever a person’s status, however powerful the perpetrator, however great the profits, there is no valid argument for abuse, sexual or otherwise, of another human being. The Golden Rule is universal. It is not restricted by parameters that exclude people due to their, gender, race, color, sexuality, or personal strengths or weaknesses. I agree with Solomon who says, “Everyone has a right to human dignity, a right to basic respect, a right not to be humiliated, and in the workplace a right to do one’s job without compromise to one’s integrity and innermost self (258). Lyons, Pippen and Brandon’s behavior would be considered immoral from any major ethical viewpoint. Both the Act Utilitarian and Rule Utilitarian theories are based on the assumption that every one in a group is considered an...

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