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sleep. Dreams have many meanings. When a dream has more than one meaning being manifested it is known as the degree of manifestation. Sigmund Freud believed that when comparing dreams the first aspect that becomes clear is the dream content with dream thoughts. This is known as work of condensation (Freud 175). When a dream consists one or more distinct people it is known as identification. Two or more people are known as composition. Something important to take note of is that remembering specific scenes in a dream is caused by visual excitation(Freud 402). With different dreams come different styles and patterns. Dreams tend to have patterns that can be seen over time by keeping journals, known as dimensions. Dreams such as recurrent dreams tend to be a common thing to happen among people. Recurrent dreams that occur are often said to help the dreamer resolve an issue that he/she has been struggling for years (Deming 63). Then there are nightmares or sleep terrors. It is believed that nightmares originated from Incubus and Succubus, who were evil demons in the Middle Ages (Lewis 85). Nightmares are sometimes caused from REM pattern sufferers, which are associated with the quality of their dreams. However night terrors sufferers can improve their dreams by taking certain steps. 1. For one, keeping track of dreams can help energy-draining anxieties surrounding treatments 2. Remember what you want to dream about before you go to sleep 3. Be motivation and practice Nightmare and night terrors are also considered crisis dreaming. These dreams can be dealt by following certain steps at stated in Cartwrights book. It states that 1. Lie still while going over dream 2. Remember intention 3. Translate pictures into words 4. Remember fragments and try to re dream them 5. Recap feelings in dreams Nightmares and night terrors are often common in both children and adults. However, it is unknown when nightmares begin to occur. Nightmares are found t...

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