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aten by the weakest, if the weaker man uses some other force. If you take Mike Tyson and a master chest player in a hand to hand fight the odd are that mike will win. But put a gun in the hand of the chest player and he odd are now in his favor. When it comes to intelligence men are even more equal, since all men are of equal experience, which is the only way to gain wisdom.There is a state in which interactions lead to a war of every man for himself. If two men want something of which there is only one then this leads to each trying to destroy the other. Competition also rises when men want what others have. Men must always be on guard, because they cannot trust others not to attack them. They would not have time to sleep or build a shelter because by the time they had it finished some one would have destroyed it or kill you for it. This all leads to a state of war, every man for him self. The state of nature is always at war. This constant state of war leads to no form of industry or culture, since every man lives in fear of all others. Even now men slip into this state of civil war between each other. Leaders of our nation and other countries are constantly fighting over land and are always on guard against enemies. There is no justice or injustice in this original state of nature, because there are no laws or sovereign to enforce them. A man can only be unjust if he goes against some law. Nothing belongs to anyone; everyone has a right to everything for as long as they can hold on to it. Constant fear of death and a want for a better life is what causes men to endeavor for peace. So men begin to come into agreements governed by the laws of nature. With a society there now are law that give moral obligations. Which means that a right and wrong are now choices that have to be made rationally. If you were walking down the street, for example, behind a guy that drops a twenty-dollar bill. If you were truly thinking ration then you...

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