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The Northern Ireland Conflict

he chief ingredients in an Irish meal includes the potato. One Irish dish, known as colcannon, consists of just mashed potatoes, butter and onions. While boxty, which is basically a potato cake, is a grated potato fried in bacon fat. These potato cakes are traditionally served during breakfast, but can be found to be eaten throughout the day. But bacon fat is not the only use that the Irish have for bacon. Traditional Irish bacon is known as rashers and is known to be just excellent. Another of the mainstays of Irish cuisine is bread. The Irish have all sorts of bread products that they incorporate in every meal. All of these items are what make the Irish traditional food what it is. The landscape of Ireland is claimed to be some of the most beautiful in the world. With its rolling hills and plush, green vegetation the landscape is breathtaking. The reason for this plush landscape is the amount of rainfall Ireland receives each year. With rain year round it is very easy for vegetation to grow abundant. These rolling hill are also the reason why the potato is the most prevalent agricultural product in Ireland. The hills limit the types of plants the farmers of Ireland are able to grow. This makes the potato, which grows as a root underground, their main agricultural cash crop. The country is also filled with many peninsulas along the coastline. Along with these peninsulas comes the rocky terrain of the coast. The shores of Ireland do not contain very many sandy beaches. Most are filled with treacherous rocks that do not allow the beaches to be used in recreational purposesAlthough Northern Ireland has been made out to be somewhat of a useless piece of land it does combines within its small, easily accessible area a wealth of sights and experiences. The coastline makes for a breathtaking sight. Along with its tremendous coastline it also has many lakes, glens, mountains and forest parks which greatly enhance it's alrea...

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