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White Rat Dissection Lab Report

preance resembled many different small particles held together in a single membrane.MESENTERY: Inferior to the liver, thin transparent in color, resembling a cross section of cauliflower. It couldn’t be determined if it contained the small intestines but it was visible to note that they were beige in color and looked like a pile of worms stuck together.ESOPHAGUS: Pinkish in color, thin tissue-like structure that was cited around the tracheal area and descended to the area of the stomach.GREAT OMENTUM: Beige in color, looked like actual kidney beans, quite hard and slippery. The left kidney appeared to be attached to the posterior wall, while the right kidney was not as close to the all as the left. It was located on the right transverse side respectively. Both kidneys were posterior to the liver in the retroperitoneal area of the rat.UNINARY BLADDER: Inferior to the kidneys. Grayish in color with a small peanut shape.RIGHT RENAL ARTERY: Reddish in color coming off the medial side of the kidney.REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMThe reproductive system was mainly located towards the anal area and inferior to the stomach. The penis was located in the middle. It was white in color and looked like a mealworm. The seminal vesicles were located on both sides of the penis. They were grayish pink in color and looked like walnuts.COMPARE AND CONTRAST:There were a few observations proven to be different between the rat’s anatomy in comparison to the human anatomy. First of all, the rat has no gallbladder present in it’s anatomy which a human does. Secondly, the rat’s lungs appeared dark red in color where as a human’s lungs are pink in color. Also the rat’s liver has more lobes as does their lungs compared to a human’s liver and lungs. Besides these said differences, the rat’s anatomy is basically very similar to that of the human body....

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