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brave new worldwere they really happy

cause the clones are predestined to perform identical tasks within the same factory. With greater ease, the World States slogan, Community, Identity, and Stability is enacted. These mass produced fetuses are then conditioned extensively after they are born. The conditioning aims to make the people like their inescapable social destiny. Social stability is the highest goal of the World State and through the conditioning and predestination, individuals accept their given role in society without question. Science is a powerful tool that allows for and makes possible the unequal distribution of power and status. The system conditions the people to love their servility making them virtually incapable of performing any other function then what they were assigned. Conditioning drives the citizens to perform according to the best interest of the capitalist economic society further reducing the possibility of free will since they are conditioned to act in voluntarily.The World State uses science to stabilize the society by removing any possibility of free will. The Bokanovsky process destroys free will by limiting individuality among the casts (especially in the lower casts) all tin the name of stability. The lower classes are turned in to automatons, basically living, breathing machines. Lower castes are not allowed to waste the communities time reading books, creating the possibility of deconditioning them. The citizens serve the interests of production, and therefore, the interests of the World State society and philosophy rather then their individual needs and interests. Citizens are taught to view one another as commodities to be consumed like any other manufactured good. The World State also reflects ideas of racism and sexism reserving the positions of lesser power and status women and non-white men. The rivalry between conditioned response and free will in moral law appears in various forms throughout the book. Unlike the p...

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