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does goe exist

ic communities have similar views. Cosmological arguments are a posteriori, these tend to lean toward proving the existence of God through a sense experience. Cosmological arguments come in many varieties, such as the existence of the universe to God as its creator, cause, or explanation. Cosmological arguments were started at the time the questions of the universe were first asked. The existence of motion to the existence of a first mover as the cause of movement, was argued by Aristotle. This first mover he called God. The reason for this was that nothing caused God to move yet God was responsible for the motion of all other things. This argument is based on presumptions in other cosmological arguments. The first was that something could not cause itself, second something cannot come from nothing, last there could not possibly be an infinite amount of cause and effects. St. Thomas' view was of God is an infinite, all-good, all-knowing, all powerful, perfect being who created the universe and now has sole command over it. This view is known as theism. St. Thomas states that a first cause must be in order to have cause and effect now. For if we take away the first cause there would be no effect following there for the universe would have never been created which is impossible because we can prove the universe does exist. He also argues that there are things in the universe that have the possibility of existing and not existing, we have seen things that have existed and than destroyed, thus proving that there is the ability of being and not being. There was a time when nothing was in existence in the universe, if this is accurate then nothing would be here now, because anything that is not in existence cannot come to be without the help of something in existence. If once there was nothing than nothing could be in existence now. This we know is inaccurate. So if once there was nothing there must have been something which is needed to make...

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