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Webster's dictionary defines hedonism as "the ethical doctrine that pleasure, variously conceived of in terms of happiness of the individual or of society, is the principal good and the proper aim of action" or "the theory that a person always acts is such a way as to seek pleasure and avoid pain." With this definition in mind, and with further examination of John Stuart Mill's theory on hedonism, I am going to argue that hedonism is not an exclusive or distinct way of In fact, I think that with the exception ofpossibly a few people, most people are veryhedonistically inclined. "Hedonistic utilitarians identify happiness withfeeing pleasure and avoiding pain, meaning that the morean individual enjoys pleasure and avoids pain, thehappier that individual is" ( Now, isthis really a new and profound thought? If you avoidpain, you will lead a happier life? With a fewexceptions, I don't know many people who see pain asenjoyment. Most people I know have made it a point toenjoy themselves in so me fasion or McDonald 2another, and that doesn't include the enjoyment of pain."Mill's overall subject is the right of theindivieual to think and act for himeself of herself. For Mill this does not mean the right to think and actas you please (Castell 360). Eventhough Mill encouragedindependent thought and actions, he did not justifyrunning around and doing whatever you liked. Accordingto the Hedonic Society, what they call EnlightenedHedonism ("a naturalistic and humanistic lifestanceadvocation the ration cultivation of pleasure andhappiness for all") can be stated in six principles:1. Knowledge is gained through a reasoned study ofall available evidence.2. In the absence of conclusive evidence for asupernatural, ethics and morality must be based on ourliving in the natural world. 3. Pleasure and pain are our natural means fordetermining what is beneficial or harmful to life. 4. Those actions are best which lead to thegr...

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