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An Analysis of Robert Brownings Poetry

of today probably resemble the men of earlier days; when a woman smiles at someone else, some men become jealous, enraged and even murderous; just ask Mr. Harry Haynes of Queens who killed his wife Debra on August eighth of 1999, because of marital problems. In many movies and TV programs, jealousy often leads to murder. Then again, it isn't clear why the last duchess was the last duchess. It's unclear what her whereabouts have become. Is she dead? Is she alive and just out of the Dukes life? Where is she? The readers' imagination helps create a conclusion that was not fully provided with the text. But, when thinking of the time period, was it not custom of a person holding royalty to behead those who violated him. And, if they weren't beheaded, weren't they somehow punished? If the presidents wife were to smile at the Pope, that doesn't mean she wants to have sex with him. She is only being polite. Although, being polite in 1842 meant one wanted to have sex with whoever one smiles at. What does that say for a society today of people who smile all the time? What does it say for the hippies of the '60's who smiled even while they were sleeping? It's great to see how society has changed throughout the years. It seems as though the role of men hasn't changed as much as the women's. "... seemed as they would ask me, if they durst, How such a glance came there: so, not the first Are you to turn and ask thus. sir, 'twas not her husband's presence only, called that spot Of joy into the Duchess' cheek: perhaps..." Besides smiling a lot, she was also someone who may have easily blushed. Blushing occurs when people become flattered or embarrassed. Yet, it is not apparent why the duchess was blushing, for her blushing was captured in time on the painting by Fra Pandolf. There have been famous actors who have made mistakes and a slight blush appears upon their cheek. Some TV sh...

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