er theme: the relationship between men and women. The events that Pope describes in this poem occur between Belinda, who is motivated by pride and vanity and Baron, who is driven by ambition. Belindas energy is driven to attract a man and pretend to be affectionate and then cast him off for another. Baron oversteps his boundaries of acceptable behavior by acting with force toward the desirable woman. The Rape of the Lock is both a scornful description of a ridiculous social situation and a serious analysis of consequences of flattering self-esteem and desire. The Rape of the Lock is a staple of neoclassical writing; it includes wit and wit is characterized by parallelism and balance. It contains epic conventions such as war (between the sexes), epic game (played on the velvet plain of the card table), a journey (to the underworld), and battle. Pope writes by describing the man as the hero. But Finch writes her poetry in regards to women. When Anne Finch wrote, she followed a particularly intellectual course, not only for women but also for anyone at the time. She wrote about philosophy; her philosophical work had another important source: her own physical pain. She was concerned to provide theodicy for her writers. She attempted to reunite the existence of a compassionate or benign god with the existence of suffering and other evil in the world. Her audience should be prepared to read religious controversy, which is far more intense than other philosophical contemporaries. Ann Finch may have objected to Popes The Rape of the Lock because Popes poem is impressed by the force of humor and the style serves to exaggerate how ridiculous war is between a man and a woman. In The Rape of the Lock, the laughter and ridicule do not undermine the importance of good sense and virtue in the relationships between men and women. Finch disagrees and believes the woman is a heroin in this poem. Finch...