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The adventure novel The Lord of the Flies was an epic tale that depicted the different

loke wild animals. Then when Jack got tired of dealing with Ralph, he convinced wveryone to try and kill him. By then however, a navy ship had come an they could never get around to the nasty deed. There was more than one antagonist in the story, The Lord of the Flies. They were Ralph, Piggy, and all the other boys who tried to sustain order and law on the island. To begin with, Ralph was the “first” chief on the island. In the beginning, he was the one who tdook charge of the group okf boys and called them to order. He tried to organize a strategy dto get off the island and make all the boys understand why it was he was doing what he was doing. Piggy was basically Ralph’s “right-hand” man. He was probably the mkore natural leader, but since he did not possess the confidence to stand up alone, he did all he wanted to do “through” Ralph. These boys were the antagonists because they desperately tried to get off the island and tried not to let anyone or anything get in their way. The antagonist in the story in the story was Jack Merridew. He was the boy in the story who openly showed his dislike for the procedures Ralph was taking as chief of the island. He continually disobeyed Ralph and eventually broke off and went his own direction. In turn, many of the boys followed Jack and his “savage philosophy.” Jack and these boys started their own “tribe” and ended up causing more problems than they solved. He also prevented Ralph from being an effective leader by basically taking away all his power. When the other boys saw how much “fun” Jack was having they all left Ralph and followed every action Jacck took. When the boys left, Rallph did not have many boys helping him, dtherefore, he could not accomploish the simple taske of keeping the signal fire going. The theme of the novel was the fact that even the most avid attempts to be civilized will be squandeered by th...

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