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ution, three major branches were created the legislative, the executive, and the judicial branch. The legislature creates laws, the executive executes the laws and the judicial branch interprets the laws. With each branch having different powers no one branch can be tainted and then abuse its governmental powers. The statement of the checks and balances answered the concern that the government would become too powerful. With checks and balances, the government can only become as powerful as the people will allow. This fundamental plan also creates safeguards against the event of a president becoming a dictator. The argument about the system of checks and balances proves to be a system designed to protect the people of America from the government.These arguments provide for the security of the government and the people under the Constitution. Hamilton, Madison and Jay under the Federalist were showing that the government is run for the people and that they are directly involved in the governmental process. They also answered the concern that the government may become too large as restriction occurs through the system of checks and balances. The idea of the Federalist pamphlet was to put to rest many of the Anti-federalist concerns with the Constitution. The two major arguments made showed that the Constitution was in support of the masses of America.A republican form of government uses representatives to represent the people of America in the government. The argument against a republican form of government stands on one key principle that the people of America are not capable of being run directly or indirectly by the common people. A firm believer in the Constitution and the form of government it creates, Hamilton would be for a republican form of government. James Madison who is often called the father of the Constitution counters the argument against the republican form of government.The argument against a republican for...

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