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Hegel Marx Kant Pantheism

) the same but mean something different, saber and saber, in engish it’s a sword, in Spanish it’s a verb, to know a fact. In Nietzsche saying that we are to become who we are means something completely different that Kierkegaard’s saying be willin to be oneself.Nietzsche is asying tha we are to become Overman. Nietzsche things that we all should strive to become the best we can, and that we should do this for our own personal good. We are to give up thoughs of an afterlife, we are to be healthy in mind and body, and we are to think firstly of ourselves, being that we are the best we are. We are to strive to become this perfect person that we all want to be, only our weakness brings us down. Nietzsche is saying tah everyitng we do is an efforts to better ourselves tworsd athe goal of becoming overman. From his nihilistic point of view Nietzsche says that we are not to despair if we fall short, but that we should push push push towards the goal of becoming overman, because that is all there is, and that is the only nobel thing to be.Kierkegaard is saying that we are to be willing to be onself. We are to try to be the one that God is trying to make us. We are to do this out of our natural love for god and that we are doing in because this is what inside us is telling us is right. To do this we must look to the teachings of the bible which tell us to be humble, rightouss, and to help those in need. This will lead us to be that which god has designed for us to be and this is what we are striving for. Kiekegaard is saying that we are going through the astetic, ethical, and religious steps in order to better society by being that which God wants us to be. Kiekegaard is saying that his attempt will ead us to a life of despair, because we will never match up to the goal set in front of us. But that this is good because in the midst of this we have in fact become the best we can, and we have become what God wants us to be....

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