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eled as one.In America he's taught me that you can do anything if you can change the way the public feels about it and gain their support. There were a lot of the top officials who were communist and may have been on a communist take over for the US. He did not stand just to take the little guy down he went for the people that would had power in America to actually get something done. For instance McCarthy blacklisted Alger Hiss (Former State Official) and claimed he was a communist. HUAC investigated him immediately and he was later convicted for perjury under oath. HUAC did not take a long time when investigating un-American activities. They acted very quick and harshly to those accused. The saying goes in America that your Innocent until proven guilty; however, with McCarthy you were guilty until proven innocent and even if your found innocent the public still considered you were guilty. If found guilty you could not find a decent job to have, let alone threats on your life. You were basically a man with out a country once blacklisted. The accusations he made had Americans panicking all over the country. He added instability, tension, and nervousness to a situation that already had way to much. He scared so many people they called it the Red Scare. People prayed that he would not call their name or even know it for that matter. America citizens were so terrified of communism and communists that, instead of looking for a robber when you got home you would look for a communist. I have learned from McCarthy the true meaning of a patriot. He has taught me leadership on a level unparalleled to who we now would consider a leader. Even though McCarthy destroyed himself in the process of eradicating the Communist belief he did so with courage and bravery. His life goal was to ensure the American way of life and not let that dream diminish, because it means so much to us. He has taught me that one person can, will, and doe...

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