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One of my greatest pleasures as a child was listening to the radio. I love to listen to all kinds of musicknew I was on to something. Napster revolutionized the methods used in downloading music via the Internet. At the same time, Napster makes people question the laws concerning copyrighted music more than anything we’ve seen.Napster is the brainchild of just one person, an eighteen-year-old kid, who figured out an efficient way to collectively place music on the Internet so people could directly find what they need and download it. The programming language used in making Napster is beyond the comprehension of most people in this guy’s peer group. Many are still shocked how this boy could create something of such great magnitude without the aid of someone’s assistance. He knew what he wanted to do, and he also knew he could do, if he dedicated himself. The only hard challenge he faced was figuring out how he would accomplish his goal, but all of the hard work ahead was like a game to him.Eventually, the program for Napster was complete. The real challenge was about to begin. His new problems came from the likes of Lars the Metallica drummer and other music stars who were angry over their music being “stolen,” as he calls it. This seemingly harmless idea spurred by the notion that it would be cool to was becoming one of the most talked about issues in the music world. A strong backlash happened over the summer, and in August of this year, Napster was taken to court for infringement on copyrighted materials. However, even the judicial system is having a hard time of deciding right and wrong in this case. Will places like Napster become the new way to get music? I don’t think anyone has the answer to this question....

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