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Substance Abuse in the workplace

ist in training yoursupervisors: (Loomis)1. Allow the supervisor to know the companys policy and allow the understanding of their importance in implementing it.2. Teach the supervisors how to observe and document unsatisfactory performance.3. Teach them how to confront the employees according to company procedures.4. Teach them the understanding of the effects of substance abuse in the workplace.5. They should know how to refer an employee to where they can get help or where they can be diagnosed.Your supervisors are not the only ones you need to be sure understand yourpolicy. Another valuable thing that needs to be done is to educate the employees. If Page 5the employees are properly informed the policy will be much more effective, and if theyknow the program they will be able to follow it, or abide by it (Loomis). Here are fivebasic objectives that you want to make clear with your employees to ensure that theyproperly understand your new policy: (Loomis)1. Provide information about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs and how they affect individuals families.2. Describe the impact that substance abuse has on the workplace, including such areas as safety productivity and health care costs.3. Explain how the policy applies to every employee and the consequences for violations of the policy.4. Describe how the basic components of your overall program work, including employee assistance services and testing, if they are included.5. Describe how employees and their dependents, if included, can get help for their substance abuse problems. All of the various suggestions I have listed above may have effective results butyou need to understand that they will vary from company to company. There are a variety of ways that assistance can be provided and you will have toanalyze what works best for you and your employees.Drug and Alcohol testing is often the next step in implementing your newsubstance ...

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