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Birth order

equently, First born children can be described as a perfectionist. They tend to be high achievers, reliable, conscientious, list makers, well organized, critical, serious, scholarly, self- assured, good leadership abilities, eager to please and nurturing. The first born is typically the success story in the family and they are extremely driven to succeed in "high achievement" fields, such as science, medicine, or law. Many first borns choose careers in leadership. For example, fifty-two percent of all U.S. presidents were first borns. Researchers conclude that, in general, first born children tend to have high IQ's than younger siblings. This is because of the amount of attention new parents give to their first child. In addition, oldest children find it difficult to make friends and usually have just one close friend. Often, first born children are less popular than those in later birth positions, even though they are anxious to please those in authority. The relationship between the first child and parents can never be duplicated mostly because they are the focus of the parent's hopes and dreams. Parents tend to pay close attention to everything that happens with the first baby including the first smile, word and their first step are all exclaimed over, celebrated and recorded in the baby book. These feelings are often carried on throughout the first born's life. Nevertheless, first borns come to feel unloved through the perceived loss of mother's love to the new baby. They mentally exchange love for attention in forms of respect, admiration, and approval, they seek these in place of unconditional love.Also, oldest tend to believe in the importance of marriage and want to stay married no matter what happens. It can be generalized that many of them have unhappy marriages because spouses often find them impatient and demanding. If the marriage ends, most often they are prone to strong feelings of failure and guilt.When it comes to paren...

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