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Changing Imago Dei in the Book of Job

certain treatment because he thought himself to be so virtuous. It was this idea coupled with the erroneous imago dei of the comforters that caused the young Elihu to offer Job and the comforters his unique take on the whole situation. He had been patently waiting for the elder parties to finish offering Job their wisdom, but had a totally different idea of his own. Finally after three rounds of dialogue with no gain with the comforters, he was able to speak. Elihu thought both parties to be incorrect in their images of God. He instead proposed a third interpretation of God. In Elihu's vision, he saw a God far more powerful and complex than humans could ever comprehend. He felt there are very finite human limitations to understanding and knowledge, and God falls much beyond them.Immediately after Elihu's revelation, God appeared to Job as a whirlwind in a storm. He finally confronted Job in person, as Job had been hoping the whole time. He spoke to Job and explained his awesome power. Just by hearing God speak about his tremendous authority, Job instantly realized the grave mistake he had committed. He had, for a moment, forgotten that God cannot even begin to be classified and categorized by his elementary human parameters. It was ultimately through this breakthrough with God that Job developed a richer vision of whom God really is, by finally being able to get beyond the antiquated, traditional view of God that had been so prevalent in his culture and amongst his contemporaries. Job got over his stubbornness and pride, and was ultimately able to realize that he was in no position to expect anything from God. God did everything for a reason, and just because Job didn't necessarily understand it, by no means meant that it was wrong. Although Job had been a good servant, he too had sinned, and his pride and sense of self-importance had gotten the best of him. His inflation was countered with the prolonged alienation that...

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