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ams, by Sigmund Freud he states “As regards the dream, all the troubles of waking life are transferred by it to the sleeping state” (Freud 113). They relay things about a person that the person may not be able to see. Freud says that certain images in dreams sometimes have significant meanings relating to the person’s life. Freud called dream interpretation “the royal road to the knowledge of the unconscious in mental life”(Hunt 178) Much of what is in our dreams is not straightforward or easy to understand. “Different objects in the dream may serve as a symbol”(Kalb 77). We may have to look much deeper into ourselves if we hope to understand what has come to us by way of dreaming. Dreams represent different areas of one’s life that deal with one’s physical, mental, and emotional being. The subconscious mind cannot speak directly to the conscious mind, but they do communicate through symbolism. These symbols can relay information about one’s life if these symbols are interpreted. Dreams are “a private language, known only to ourselves” (Cartwright 5). “You’ll never see an object in dream that you haven’t seen in your daily life”(Ullman and Zimmerman 1979) “Within the subconscious lie different types of things such as suppressed emotions, creativity, and basic human instinct“(Ullman and Zimmerman 1979). The conscious part of the mind works when people are awake and is the part of the mind that handles things that people can understand. Dreams can offer an escape to individuals who need relief from their everyday problems. They have a way of setting one free from reality, which includes all of one’s problems. Dreams help one to overcome these stresses and help people to get on with their lives. In The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud states “The waking life never repeats itself with its trials and joys, its pleasures and ...

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