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Effects of Divorce

nges of assistance compares to adults from intact families (Woodward 2000).By not interacting with their children, when the divorce was in action, they lose them in the future. Consequences of divorce, not only effect children physically or emotionally, but also financially. “Receipt of neither alimony nor child support has been reliable, however, and divorced women and their children may not be able to count on that income for their survival.” (McFadden 1997). This means that the essentials for living will not be as accessible. Other consequences would be “...children who experienced their parents’ divorce average one to two fewer years of education attainment than children from intact homes.” (Borgatta 1992). Then children will have less of an education and will have jobs that pay less. This will put them into a lower class than of children whose parents were intact. While going through a divorce parents need to make sure that their children’s emotional needs are being met. Also they need to listen to them and make sure they try to help them understand what the outcome will be and that things will be different once the divorce is final. This will help the children grow into better individuals. There has always been a strong economic dimension to marriage in various cultures (McFadden 228). What happened to that? Now a numerous amount of couples are bringing their marriages to an end. The definition of marriage, stated by Henslin, is a group’s approved mating arrangements, usually marked by a ritual of some sort (445). 4Marriage, in the United States, is arranged so that couples can start a family and have love and companionship. Children are brought into this type of world where marriage is something almost sacred, but this is all shattered when their parents divorce and move in their separate ways. They are forever damaged and nothing will be able to change what they have ex...

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