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s buzzing around in their head making it difficult to fall asleep. Many people who experience insomnia become frustrated, making it even more difficult to fall asleep. After a while insomniacs begin to anticipate bad nights, which makes the condition worse.Of the physical causes, alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine are the most common. Alcohol may make you fall asleep faster since it is a depressant, but it makes you sleep less soundly and you awake more frequently during the night. Nicotine and caffeine are both stimulants that cause you not to feel sleepy, thus causing you not to sleep well. Caffeine is commonly found in coffee, sodas, and tea (Appendix B). Since caffeine can stay in your body for up to twenty hours, a cup of coffee in the morning or a soda at lunch may greatly affect your sleeping. Caffeine is also found in chocolate and most chocolate products (Appendix A). Eliminating caffeine from your diet could solve your sleep problem even if your insomnia set in without increasing your caffeine intake.3 Going without caffeine in your system will give you more restful sleep and you will feel more energized with less sleep (albert 88). It may seem logical to have a large dinner late in the evening since a heavy meal makes you drowsy, but it makes your digestive system work hard, which can keep you up at night (Hauri 120).Many insomniacs do not realize that sleep is a twenty four-hour system. What you do during your sleep affects your daytime, and what you do during the day affects your sleep. Your sleeping life and your waking life are one, so many factors during the day, and many factors during the night can cause insomnia.There are many ways to tell if you or someone you know is suffering from insomnia. The symptoms can be broken into two main groups: daytime symptoms, and nighttime symptoms. The daytime symptoms of insomnia and sleep deprivation are similar. The daytime symptoms of insomnia are drowsiness or fatigu...

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