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Nature vs Nurture

anton. p 2). Even though scientists have onlyidentified 16,000 out of the total 100,000 genes, many psychological diseasesare on the verge of being unraveled. Take for instance schizophrenia, a diseasecharacterized by (hallucinations, delusions, flat or inappropriate emotionalexpression, paranoia and suspiciousness). New findings point out to itsrelatedness to genetics. Genetic markers for schizophrenia are founded onchromosomes 22, 6, 13, 8 and 9, ( De Angelis, Tori. Boston globe.) Theseexamples reveal the genetic role in our development. They also expose ourpredisposition to certain traits and behaviors. The second camp sitting on the other side of the fence is the advocatesfor nurture. Here,nurture represents our surrounding: parents, class-mates,colleagues, our value system and our society as a whole. People in this campargue that man is a product of his environment. Some extremists went as far assaying: give us any new born infant and we will shape him/her just the way wewant, by placing him/her in the desired environment. As one grows from infancyto adulthood, social experience plays a critical and constant role in theregulation of growth , behavior and emotions, (Glick, Marion E.) Here we aretold that social deprivation at different stages of development can lead toabnormalities in the stress hormone system, which may produce severe andlong-lasting physical, neural and psychological consequences. It is alsointeresting to consider the gender differences due to the change in enviroment.Few deacades ago, women were considered inferior to men in theirachievements. Today, eventhough the misconception of gender roles in societyis still present, we can clearly see the gap between men and women narrowingdue to the change in enviorment. The new school emerging to help bring the nature nurture argument torest professes that there is no war between nature and nurture. Indeed, such warwould be absurd because it is the interaction of nature ...

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