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ty and nurture through their activities.Although most babies prefer their moms, when they are left alone they are upset by their dad’s absence as well. Babies raised in two parent families may get an additional benefit: Mothers and fathers who support one another and who sense this mutual support and agreement in child- rearing are more responsive to their infants and feel more competent as parents. (Dickie, 1987).From the minute a baby is given to his parents’ arms, they communicate through eye contact, touch, smiles and voice. In all cultures infants develop a bond with their primary caregivers, meaning their immediate parents or other guardians substituting the parents. Infants become familiar with the faces they see on a day to day basis. They become very content when they hear their parents voice, therefore developing a fear of strangers when left alone or with someone else, this is called stranger anxiety which can begin at 18 months of age. At the age of one, infants usually cling to their parents because of fear of separation. When reunited they show happiness by smiling and hugging them. This bond is called attachment, which is an emotional tie with another person. An attachment usually happens with warm familiar responsive parents. It consists on providing a secure environment that reassures the infant that is safe in stressful times. There are important things to help create an attachment, one I have already mentioned; and that is familiarity. From the moment a child is born the infant bonds with the mother. This is a parent- infant attachment; the baby meets the parent’s face and knows he is safe by instinct. There is a lot of time in an infant’s life to establish a bond with the parent, beginning in the maternity ward; and going on throughout his life. A secure attachment may be displayed when an infant explores his surroundings in a happy state when in the mother’s presence; when she leave...

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