ss it.When you think about it from our point of view it would be terrible not to have forest and greenery, but you can not miss something you have never experienced. The people of the future might really want to have lived with forest and greenery and they might even be mad at us for ruining everything, but I believe it can only go to a certain extent. Most of the people probably would not know there was something to miss. There are so many animals that are now extinct that we have never heard of. Some people even today have no care for the future of the animals and the world.Environmental Psychology is the study of human behavior according to the environment that surrounds him. From this study many believe that it is accurate enough to try and to predict what would happen if the environment changed. Once again this psychology is also based on observations and theories. What is a Phobia? Sometimes people misconstrue phobias with anxiety or conjoin the two problems together as a single state of being. Nonetheless, such assumptions are not valid. Phobias are unreasonable and persistent fears that focus on a specific object, animal, activity, or situation. They are produced in reaction to stress. Some phobias are common and well known, such as acrophobia - the fear of heights; claustrophobia - the fear of enclosed spaces; and hematophobia - the fear of blood. Other phobias are more obscure and; unusual. For example, people who are apprehensive of shadows suffer from sciophobia and are referred to as sciophobes. Individuals who fear various forms of machinery suffer from mechanophobia and those terrified of fish are ichthyophobes. Extreme fear of the devil is known as Satanophobia, and fear of ugliness is dysmorephobia. There is even a fear of going to bed-clinophobia.There have been many documented cases of phobias that are very rare. According to the American Psychiatric Association, at least 15 million peopl...