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Schizophrenia A Cognitive Dysfunction1

communication. The voices seems to emanate from someone with intentions and desires who is using words to influence the behavior and beliefs of the patients. Such voices may describe the person’s actions, warn him of danger or even tell him what to do” (Arango et al., 1999). One long-lasting explanation of this symptom has been that it is the patient’s own inner speech or thought that is experienced as a voice...during auditory hallucinations, muscle activity in tongue and throat can sometimes be detected and occasionally subvocal speech is sufficiently loud to be picked up by a microphone and made audible. In past cases, the contents of the subvocal speech correspond with what the patient reports the voice to be saying...inner speech play a major part in certain aspects of working memory...if hallucinations involve inner speech then their presence should interfere with the performance of working memory tasks...the inner speech required for a verbal working memory task is associated with a observed greater activity in Broca’s area (Joseph, 1999). The combination of these distinct symptoms usually contributes to the alienation from family members, friends, and society. People with schizophrenia often become increasingly isolated and withdrawn as they progressively lose touch with reality in certain important ways. Less obvious than the “positive symptoms” but equally serious are the deficit or “negative symptoms” that represent the absence of normal behavior. Many chronic schizophrenic patients display a cluster of negative features which all concern poverty of action, poverty of thought, poverty of speech, and poverty of movement. In the case of speech, the patient will answer questions with as few words as possible, but will not elaborate his answers or ever initiate a conversation. His behavior is stimulus driven: he can produce an action in response to an appropriate stimulus but does ...

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