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The Destructiveness of Perfectionism Implications for the Treatment of Depression

ectations, and that results in feelings of failure, anxiety, hopelessness, and anger (all symptoms associated with depression and suicide). The topic of depression is also related to personal characteristic differences among individuals, placing it within the field of personality psychology. It also discussed what behaviors result from depression and the implications for the individual. The article also compares within the personality psychology area of study, what is considered “normal perfectionism” and neurotic perfectionism. It points out that although many characteristics exhibited by individuals with neurotic perfectionism can be adaptive, they are not the same as the characteristics exhibited by individuals with “normal perfectionism” because the motives behind the actions are not the same. This analysis of the topic provided by the article using this perspective is very plausible and lends a lot of credibility to this field as a way to analyze behavior. This topic is very pertinent to psychology, but also to our lives in general. The idea that depression can be a result of a problem that is quite common in the world today is a very important one. If the destructiveness of intense perfectionism is as far reaching and serious as the evidence in this article suggests, then we need to recognize this as a real problem, and work to identify and prevent this type of thing from continuing to happen. By recognizing relationships between personality problems such as perfectionism with something like depression, we can begin to understand it a lot more thoroughly. We can also use this information to show the significance of a problem like neurotic perfectionism and help to reduce the occurrence of it.Recognizing and handling such important, but widely overlooked problems like perfectionism, and realizing the possible implications of it, is the reason I decided to choose this article to read. Many of the p...

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