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bipolar disorder3

agnosing a child with bipolar disorder doctors have to be very careful that they do not make the wrong diagnosis (Childhood 1). It is very tricky to make a bipolar diagnosis in children because of all the other disorders that can go along with it. It is very rare for bipolar disorder to occur in children by itself (Facts 1). Diagnosing cancer in children is better chance of the correct diagnosis then diagnosing children with a form of bipolar disorder (What is it? 1). Bipolar in children is often misdiagnosed as borderline personality disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, or schizophrenia (About Early-Onset 5). Children with bipolar have a 90% chance of also having Oppositional Defiant Disorder, a 90% chance of having Attention Deficit Disorder, s 50-60% chance of having Separation Anxiety Disorder, and a 15-20% chance of having Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder (Redefining 1). Other disorders that children can have with bipolar disorder are depression, conduct disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, tourettes syndrome, intermittent explosive disorder, or reactive attachment disorder (About Early-Onset 5). A Bipolar childs symptoms are very different compared to an adults. Some symptoms they can categorize into a manic and depressant state, and others they can not Determining Bipolar Disorder in children is harder then adults because of the mistakes doctors make in their diagnosis.because of how fast a child goes from high to low. When a child is manic they have severe mood changes, very different to other children their age. They can get unusually happy or silly, or they can be very angry, agitated, and or aggressive. They have unrealistic highs of self-esteem, and they often think that they have magic powers like they are super heroes. Bipolar children can go for days with little or no sleep, and still have energy. A manic child has an increase in talking, they talk too fast, and say too much at one time, and other pe...

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