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rief, fragmentary impressions that are less emotional and less likely to involve visual images. When a person is woken during non-REM sleep, they will often deny that they were even asleep. This is because the dreams resemble daytime thoughts. Non-REM dream activity occurs during half of the other four to six hours of sleep. (DeLaney, 140)The images and characters in a dream are an important part of the dream aspect. How about we say you were having a dream about washing dishes. We will most likely be able to visualize the image of washing dishes but will be less likely to “hear” the clatter of the dishes or, to “feel” the hot water on your hands. One-fourth of dream images include auditory sensation, twenty percent include bodily sensations, and less than one percent includes tastes and smells. The color of a person’s dream is usually between black, white and color. The images in a dream are bright and clear as if awake, but they are murky and drab in color. A dream will usually include a few intense colors but the backgrounds are blurry. When it comes to characters, we often play the leading role in our own dreams but are absent ten percent of the time. Half of the other characters are friends, acquaintances, and family members the other half are people you don’t know or can not recognize and four percent are animals. There is an even mixture of men and women, but men are more likely to dream about women then women are. (Crisp, 153)The emotion of a dream plays a big part in what a dream is. Studies have shown that three-fourths of all dreams have some negative or positive emotional content. Those dreams re occur are most likely to be negative. In a survey done by Psychology Today, the dreams that occurred most often are dreams of the person being chased or falling. Flying, naked in public, and unprepared for an exam were also common of recurrent dreams. Women who have dreams are m...

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