Nature- inborn traits and characteristics inherited from parents Nurture- environmental influences, both before and after birth ACTIVE (organism) VS PASSIVE (mechanistic) Organismic-People are active growing organisms that set their own development in motion ACT not react to environmental influences *cannot predict behavior by simple responses to environmental stimulus Emphasize qualitative change, see development occurring in STAGES each sstage builds on previous stage. Mechanistic-People are like machines that REACT to environmental influence, if we learn enough about human Machine we can predict what they will do *identifies and isolates factors that make people react as they do Focus on quantitative change, see development as continuous Watson, learning theories Quasi-Organismic- People change as there world changes them PerspectiveBeliefStage OrientedTheories PSYCHOANALYTICBehavior is controlled by powerful unconscious urges Personality influenced by society& develops through series of crises Yes/Mechanistic Yes/OrganismicFreud’s Psychosexual Erickson’s Psychosocial COGNITIVEChanges in thought occur between 0 to adolescence Human processors of symbols Controls behaviorLearn in social contextNO/MechanisticNO/BOTHLearning TheorySocial learning theoryHUMANISTICPeople have ability to change lives & foster own develop.NO/OrganismicMaslow SelfactualizationTheoryETHOLOGICALHuman have adaptive mechanisms to survive periods stressed: predisposition for learningNO/BOTHBowlby’s & Ainsworth’s Attachment TheoryCONTEXTUALDevelopment occurs through interaction between person & 5 surroundings interlocking systems of influenceChild’s Sociocultural context impact on developmentNO/OrganismicNO/OrganismicBronfenbrenner’s ecologicalVygotsky’s SocioculturalPaul Baltes Identified 4 key principles of a life-span developmental approach::Development is lifelong- Each period of the life span is influenced ...