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Christianity vs Hinduism

. Christians practice most of these rituals in buildings called churches. The Church is the Major center for worship in the Christian faith. Hinduism has their main center for worship in a Monastery or Ashram. Both are religions Scripture. Hindus believe in the divinity of the Vedas, the worlds most ancient scripture. Christians put their faith in the Bible, which is separated into two main parts, the Old and New Testament. The Old Testament was taken from the Hebrew religion, and is the root of the Christian religion. The New Testament is written about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Both religions have songs, hymns, and festivals to show devotion to their faith.Hinduisms three major deities, Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva are very similar to Christianitys Holy Trinity, this consist of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Brahman and God the Father also have their similarities, as both being the cause of existence, all-powerful and all knowing. Vishnu is like Jesus, the son. Vishnu is considered the preserver, and Jesus mission was to save mankind, and preserve their souls forever with God. Finally, Shiva is named, The destroyer, so new can be created. The Holy Spirit, to Christians, is Gods will. It is how God makes contact with man, how God destroys to create a new.Christianity and Hinduism do have their differences. Both religions believe that there is more to life on Earth, that this life is simply a gateway to a supernatural plain after death. Christians believe that they have but one life, and if they live that life the way God wants, they will enjoy infinite bliss in Heaven. Hindus believe that humans go through multiple lives, each bringing them one step closer to Moksha. They believe that they can be reborn as anything, other than Brahman, and that how you live one life reflects what you are in the next. Once the reach Moksha, that is released form the cycle of reincarnation, and loses their identity, becoming one being, a...

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