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in life he was called Master Kung. Kung Fu-tzu means Confucius in Latin. He turned to teaching in hope that he would change the world by changing it's future leaders at a young age. There have been many studies of his teachings and all his students praise his talent for brilliant teaching. His students recorded his lessons and they are now known as the Analects. Confucius' fundamental lesson is to believe that human beings can be perfect through learning.Confucius has one very important message: if we want to achieve peace and order, we need to return to traditional values. These values are based on one concept: jen. Jen is translated as Humaneness', it can also mean humanity', goodness' or virtue'. More than anything, for Confucius the ancients understood the order of heaven and earth, Confucius thought that the Chinese past should be a model for the present. Confucius had simple morals which he taught to others: :to love others; to honour one's parents; to do what is right instead of what is of advantage and to practice reciprocity", an example of this is don't do on to others what you would not want yourself'. Confucius thought that if a ruler had to resort to force or violence, he had already failed as a ruler.Confucius created The Six Relationships' and the Mandate of Heaven' in attempt of his search for an ideal society. The six Relationships' or Six Relations' are supposed to be how people behave socially(see figure 5-1 and figure 5-2). In each of the relationships , the one thought to be superior (i.e.- parents, husbands etc.) Has the duty to be kind and care for the inferior member (i.e.-students, wife etc.). The lesser one has the duty to obey. The only relationship that may show equality would be one between friends, unless one friend may be older than the other, it would turn into a relationship like one between a n older brother and a younger brother.Unlike in India, where the obedience was absolute, for example, a wif...

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