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jesus the son of man

People would try to trick Him with questions, but he always managed to come back with an amazing answer. He used extraordinary actions to make statements, like eating with social rejects and the diseased. He was an amazing healer that always had a crowd. Jesus healed Simons mother-in-law, a Roman officer, a servant, a crippled woman (just to name a few) and even raised the dead. Another thing that we know about the historical Jesus was that he did not live a long life and died in his thirties. Jesus was a remarkable teacher. His main teachings were of God’s kingdom, prayers, wise and foolish lifestyles, and love and forgiveness. Jesus challenged people to question their values and that is why He was an effective teacher. There were many ways that Jesus would teach the Kingdom of God. He would wander around, heal, and eat with people. He would have table fellowship with anyone because He refused to see any abnormalities in someone. David Kantor explains on his website that Jesus had very effective techniques to teaching. One technique was social contact with people to draw them into the story with questions. Another technique that He used was telling parables and using symbolism. Jesus made the heroes of the stories that he told a person that the people detested. He always built on what the people already knew and did not over teach. He taught with authority and used memorable illustrations to reinforce his point. Jesus’ teachings were more influential that any part of His life. Stephen Johnson explains on his website that the essence of Jesus’ teachings were “love and unselfish social service.” In teaching people the Kingdom of God and how He led His life, Jesus led people to God. There were five main teachings of Jesus. He taught the “Fatherhood of God,” which is that God is our Father that loves all as a whole and as individuals. He knows us all, knows what we are thinking, and gives us the fr...

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