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Genetic Engineering3

technology, which has only been around for a few short years. Although scientists know how to alter genes in some cases and assume that it is possible in others, little is really known about the long-term affects of the process. Adverse reactions and genetic mutations have the possibility of creating a strain of disease that could rival AIDS or even become much stronger. Another issue to consider is the mental and emotional state of genetically altered people. Considering the emotional effects of genetic engineering, It is unimaginable to think of the kind of devastating mental effects a child that was grown in a test tube would feel, knowing that you had no ‘real’ parents. Is they looked very different from the parent, would they still feel part of the family?I’d like to call your attention to the name Adolph Hitler; Adolph Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party in Germany. One of Hitler’s goals in his, “Reign of Terror”, was to create a master race. He believed that all people should look a certain way, now since the technology seems imminent, it would be as easy as passing a law to prevent babies to be born with brown hair or green eyes. If in the near future it is possible, would the fact that we can make that choice makes it right? Once we decide to begin the process of human genetic engineering, there is really no logical place to stop. If diabetes, sickle cell anemia, and cancer are to be cured by altering the genetic make-up of an individual, why not proceed to other “disorders”: myopia, color blindness, left-handedness? Indeed, what is to preclude a society form deciding that a certain skin color is a disorder? In fact, why would be ever say no to any alteration of the genetic code that might enhance the well being of the individual or the species? It would be difficult to even imagine society rejecting any genetic modification that promised to improve, in some way, the p...

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