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Today, the German government is still paying Holocaust survivors for the crimes committed under the Nazi regime. Making the U.S. government pay for reparations is not the same. The early colonization of America was based on British society. The laws and practices were not those of the United States, and were what Americans wanted to be reformed and improved. The U.S. government should not instill reparations. If anything, government should continue its funding and aid to those in need. Welfare and other monetary benefits given to those qualified are not based on skin color. Slavery has had its affects on the its descendents, especially in small pockets of areas in the south, where education levels and trades practiced have not progressed as in other non-African American areas. Government can supply this aid out of their monetary and advancement needs, not just because of repayment from losses through slavery. This would not be racially based funding if government were to also aid other needy minority groups, as well as whites. Until the pressure to do something becomes overwhelming, government will avoid taking up liability for the mistreatment of African Americans. They will also shadow the issue of reparations, as well as how America was made. How many people are aware of the fact that eight of the first 12 presidents were slaveholders? Are people also aware of the fact that immediately after the civil way, freed slaves were given confiscated land, but were later deprived of it when President Andrew Johnson allowed former Confederates to reclaim their property. (McGruder, Pg. 4) Government is aware of their losses, but can something be done for African Americans without taking away, or causing conflict among other minorities and whites. Presently, the federal government acts according to the publics interest. Civil rights cases are still common within government, but will the issue of reparations of the descendants ...

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