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s sending a servant, Reynaldo, to France to spy on Laertes and see how he is behaving. Polonius tells Reynaldo to talk to Laertes's acquaintances, pretending to know him slightly, and suggest that he is immoral. Thus, Polonius tells Reynaldo he can trick people into telling whatever they know about Laertes's behavior. Reynaldo leaves. Ophelia comes in, excited and troubled because Hamlet has just visited her and he was acting very strange and agitated. He never spoke. but studied her face for a long time, then sighed, and left her. Polonius interprets his behavior as an indication that Hamlet's love for Ophelia has driven him mad since Ophelia has been avoiding Hamlet as Polonius told her to do. Polonius decides that he misjudged Hamlet and that King Claudius must be told how matters stand. Act II, Scene II - Just as Polonius has arranged to have Reynaldo spy on Laertes, King Claudius has summoned two old friends of Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to spy on Hamlet. He tells them to spend time with Hamlet and try to discover what troubles him. Queen Gertrude also entreats them to find out what is on Hamlet's mind, promising them that 'they will be well paid for their efforts. Polonius brings in Voltimand and Cornelius, who have just returned with the good news that the king of Norway has made Fortinbras promise never to take up arms against Denmark. The king does request though that Fortinbras be allowed to take his army across Denmark, for he now intends to do battle with the Poles. In his long-winded way, Polonius then begins to tell Claudius and Gertrude that he has discovered the cause of Hamlet's strange behavior. He is in love with Ophelia, and since she has spurned him (obeying Polonius's order) Hamlet has begun to act like a madman. To prove his point, Polonius proposes to set a trap for Hamlet. He will arrange to have Ophelia meet Hamlet "accidentally." The king and Polonius will conceal themselves behind a wall hanging an...

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