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Ma Vie En Rose

al might think of tiny country villages, on the contrary however; the viewer finds that the suburbia that creates the story is remarkably similar to the American counterpart. Let us not forget the characters too. I noticed that during the subtitled film that you could basically figure out what the characters were saying just by their tone. Much of the conversations and speeches were similar, if not exact, to American cultured speech minus the English tongue. When Ludovic starts spinning elaborate and fantastic stories about how he really is a girl and how he wants to marry his playmate Jerome when he grows up, his actions begin to generate more serious adult concern. It doesn't help matters that Jerome's father is also Pierre's boss, thus after the two boys are discovered in the midst of a mock wedding ceremony, all hell starts to break loose. Since the boss is a blustering bigot, this is not a good idea. Indeed, most of the adults in the movie seem like members of the Gender Role Enforcement Police. Ludovic and his family therefore become the neighborhood outcasts, Ludovic is drummed out of school, and Pierre loses his job. Despite these dire and downbeat consequences, Ma Vie en Rose manages to maintain a remarkably spunky and upbeat attitude, probably in large measure because it stays focused on the child's point of view throughout. And Ludovic, himself, is never in doubt even though he watches as everyone else around him becomes unhinged. The film also has candy-colored flights of sheer fancy as you witness Ludovic's fantasies about a Barbie-like doll named Pam, who floats over the community and serves as his guiding light. Overall I thought the movie was quite a masterpiece conveying all forms of emotion. I think this was quite an interesting psychological journey into the mind of this young Belgian boy. The movie was well written and acted by the cast, and is recommended for the diversity-seeking viewer. However, there w...

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