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Sophocles vs Euripides

t (Euripides, 67).We can also see differences in Orestes character. In Sophocles version, Orestes is more anxious to kill than in Euripides. In the Euripides version, Orestes does not have a previous, solid plan for revenge. He was not very comfortable with killing his mother, What shall we do? Kill our own mother (Euripides, 57). I believe this is a contributing factor to the differences in the opening scenes for each version. In the Sophocles version, the scene opens with Orestes who just arrived before the royal palace. Because Orestes is anxious to get revenge and kill, he goes straight to the palace where his enemies dwell. In the Euripides version, the scene opens with Orestes walking near the farm where Electra lives. At that point, he is farther from his enemies than in the Sophocles version. I think this is partly because, he knows he has to make justice (the oracle told him so), but he is not sure how to. Obviously, then he needs to observe the life of his enemies, and his sister in order to come up with just ideas of vengeance.Orestes and Electras different personalities also compliment each other in the two versions. As a result of Orestes personality in the Sophocles version where he is more eager to kill, Electra is more reserved. She is not as outspoken, and Orestes already had the big revenge all planned out. Then in the Euripides version, it is Orestes who is having doubts, and Electra who is so strong willed that she convinces him to follow through with the oracles advice. She is the one that comes up with the plan to trap Clytamnestra, Go to Clytamnestra, old friend. Announce that Electra has borne a male child (Euripides, 45). Neither version would have functioned without difficulty, if Electra and Orestes were feeling insecure and indecisive at the same time. Clytamnestras character is illustrated with some differences by the two authors. Euripides portrayed her more as a wicked - stepmother person...

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