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Symbolism in The Cherry Orchard

eneration Anya, Danyasha, and Yasha view the sale as an opportunity for enterprise of one kind or another, self-interested or altruistic as case may be. Peter and Anya adopted a more impersonal, optimistic view of the orchards loss. They view it as an inevitable but positive redistribution. In addition, the views of Lopahkin and Trophimof compare and contrast according to their sex and social standings. The Cherry Orchard is mine! Mine! If only my father and grandfather could raise from their graves and see the whole affair, how their Yermolai, their flogged and ignorant Yermolai, who used to run about barefooted in the winter, how this same Yermolai had bought a property that hasn’t its equal for beauty anywhere in the whole world! I have bought the property where my father and grandfather were slaves, where they weren’t even allowed into the kitchen…Come everyone and see Yermolai Lopakhin lay his ax to the cherry orchard, come to see the trees fall down! We’ll fill the place with villas; our grandsons and great-grandsons shall see a new life here…Strike up, music!Lopakhin is a self-made businessman of whom came along way from his childhood and family of being a poor peasant. Moreover, he acts as a spokesman for hard facts. Therefore, he primarily thinks of the orchard as a means to a wiser investment One can also sense that his purchase of the orchard is a way of relieving himself and his ancestors from the peasant life they once lived.The views between Yermolai Lopakhin and Peter Trophimof are alike in some retrospect. By sex, departure from the orchard means an assesment of marital needs and opportunities, and the spinsters, Anya, Varya and Dunyasha are troubled in varying degrees. But Trophimof, Lopakhin and Yasha fail to respond because of other pressures. For the characters that are neither young nor old, Varya, Lopakhin, and Charlotta are ideally concerned with the pressing problems of the present. ...

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