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TartuffeMorals and Ethics

e also makes a brief biblical reference, “That those who cross me know not what they do.” This is similar to what Jesus said when speaking to God during the Roman crucifixion saying, “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” Yet, the deeper meaning is entirely different. Jesus’ statement was a plea for forgiveness while Tartuffe’s statement was a poor attempt to render the magnitude of his power by using his bid for revenge. By utilizing every unethical, morally corrupt scheme imaginable to man, Tartuffe managed to discount and mutilate the true meaning of God’s word. Without a doubt he very intensely studied the word of the Lord, but inappropriately manipulated its true manner. “Practice what you preach”, would be the most appropriate rebuttal for Tartuffe’s inadequate behavior. Intelligence and astounding passion aside, Tartuffe is a man of fictional morality. “So those whose hearts are truly pure and lowly Don’t make a flashy show of being holy.” “These calculating souls who offer prayers Not to there Maker, but as public wares” Both quotes brilliantly stated by Cleante substantiate the issue of Tartuffe’s palpable duplicity. Not only was he an apparent hypocrite to the audience, but to the people he was around as well. As I have stressed throughout the entirety of this paper, people are born with morals. When a criminal repeatedly commits a horrendous crime without feeling the slightest amount of repentance he is without question lacking all, and any sense of morality. Tartuffe is indubitably deficient of any ethical credence. As I am fully aware that there is no such thing as a morality gene or an ethical gene, I still and always will believe that people must be born with something that defines their ability to live a principled life. Be it a part of our DNA or a simple balance in nature, morality is not something you can b...

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