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The Crucible6

ry room of the Salem meeting house. Giles arrives with Francis Nurse and tells Deputy Danforth, who is presiding over the trials, that Thomas Putnam is charging people with witchcraft so that he can take over their land. Then, John Proctor arrives with Mary and shows a contract signed by Mary that says that she never saw any spirits. At this time, Danforth tells Proctor that his wife is pregnant and she will live at least one more year if convicted. Then Proctor presents a petition signed by ninety-one people that was saying that Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey were good. Parris claims that this is an attack upon the court, but Hale asks Parris if every defense is an attack on it. Later, Putnam arrives at the court and Giles charges him with murder. Giles tells Danforth that someone told him that he heard Putnam planned his daughter to accuse George Jacobs of witchcraft so that he could buy his land after he’s executed. Giles refuses to name the person, so Danforth arrests him for contempt. Abigail then arrives with the other girls, and Proctor tells Danforth how Abigail wants to murder his wife. Also, Parris lies about finding a girl naked when the girls were dancing, and demands that Mary Warren pretend to faint as she had done before. All of the sudden, Abigail threatens Danforth, saying that the powers of Hell may affect him, and starts to pretend that she feels a wind threatening her. Proctor grabs her by the hair and calls her a whore, finally admitting his affair. Danforth orders that Elizabeth be brought to the court. If Elizabeth admits to firing Abigail for her affair, Danforth will charge Abigail with murder. Elizabeth thinks that she is defending her husband says that she fired Abigail because she’s a poor worker. Proctor tells Elizabeth to tell the truth, and Hale admits that Elizabeth's lie is a natural one to tell. Abigail then says that Mary Warren's spirit is attacking her in the form of ...

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