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To kill a mocking birds

n act out the scene where Boo had supposedly plunged a pair of scissors through his fathers pants.The game is later stopped by Atticus.The discovery of the chewing gum, and the pennies, gives a picture of the character, Boo Radley, who is feared by children but who likes them and wouldnt hurt them, and therefore shows his interest in them through such secret attempts. Even his laughter, that Scout overhears as she rolls onto his front yard, reveals his likeness in the childrens actions and his wanting to have friends.Pages 41 57Their neighbor Miss Maudie, is a friend of the children. Scout asks her about Boo, and Miss Maudie explains that there is nothing wrong with Boo, or Arthur ( his real name). Mr. Radley had been a Protestant Baptist, with strong religious ideas, which Miss Maudie didnt believe in. She then assures Scout that all the stories built about the Radley house are imaginary ones. Dill and Jem have, made a plan making a note for Boo, inviting him to come out and meet them. Scout is scared, but agrees to carry out her part of guarding the area, for fear of being labeled a girl and a sissy. However, their plan does not work as Atticus arrives and gets mad at them for tormenting Boo, he told them to leave him alone. People in the county have a very high view for Atticus. Miss Maudie said "If Atticus drank until he was drunk, he wouldnt be as hard as some men are at their best." Dills desire of marrying Scout and his later dump towards her also indicates the growing behavior of children who at one point, want to do what grown ups do, and the next minute, get busy doing immature things. Scouts angry reaction of giving Dill a thrashing is also very typical of her temperament, she always likes to behave boyish and this is a chance to display her aggressiveness. Jem and Scout had permission to spend the last night with Dill before he goes back. Dill and Jem planned out aplan to get the letter to Boo. They reach the house, and D...

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