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Princess Di

The People’s Princess Diana Spencer was born July 1, 1961. This date was the start of one of the most remarkable individuals in the world . She was once quoted as saying, ”One minute I was a nobody the next minute I was Princess of Wales, mother ,member of the royal family and it was too much for one person to handle” (Morton story,104). The Princess of Wales struggled throughout her life due to bulimia, an unhappy marriage, and the media. Diana’s astrologer, Felix Lyle, quoted, “Diana comes from a privileged background, but she had a childhood that was very hard” (Morton, Story 12). At the age of six Diana’s father and mother got a divorce. Diana’s thoughts of rejection, trust, affection, guilt, and the absence of her mother, made her feel more like a nuisance than a member of her own family (Morton, Story 11-13). Growing up as a pre-teen Diana always admired her older sister Sarah. Diana had always respected her eldest sister Jane, but found Sarah more interesting. Diana followed in the shadows of her sisters and attended West Heath Boarding School, which she attended until the age of seventeen. At the age of eighteen, Diana felt that she wanted her independence and a life of her own. She moved into her own apartment in London. She shared her apartment with her school friend, Carolyn Bartholomew. She also befriended two girls who worked for a cleaning company, Anne Bolton and Virgina Pitman. Shortly after moving into the her apartment, Diana found a job working as a kindergarten teacher at the Young England Kindergarten (Morton, Story 60 ). Diana was once quoted about her love life as saying “I knew I had to keep myself tidy for what lies ahead” (Morton, Story 62). Diana had lots of boyfriends .The individuals she dated were clean-cut, well bred, reliable, and good-company. She often would try to get Sarah’s old b...

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